

Hight Accuracy Digital Temperature Sensor 

  • Overview
  • Documentation and Technical Information
  • Tools and Evaluation Boards
  • Use Case


The RT18B20 is a digital temperature sensor provides 9-bit to 12-bit Celsius temperature measurements。

Each RT18B20 has a unique 64 bit code and a 3 Byte Non-volatile random-access memory, and a 64 bit unique ID makes it easy for RT18B20 to network.

The Non-volatile random-access memory can be configured with temperature alarm upper and lower limits and resolution of the programming information. The chip requires almost no peripherals and has a simple circuit。

Features and Benefits

1-wire without more interface

Hight integration more simple

It is simple to use one microprocessor to control many RT18B20s distributed over a large area

can derive power directly from the data line

Has an alarm function with nonvolatile user-programmable upper and lower trigger points

Documentation and Technical Information
Download Specification
Tools and Evaluation Boards
Use Case


◆ Temperature monitor system

    ◆ A distributed temperature measurement



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